Tuesday, September 8, 2009

The Ways to Spend Your Money

The unemployed have limited resources. I know. I moved back home. There are a few things, however, that are worth your dwindling supply of moola.

First: dry cleaning. You MUST have a great interview outfit ready at a moment's notice, and most interview clothes are dry clean only... hence, spend your money on dry cleaning. And only wear your interview clothes when you must... we don't want our savings account spent at Golden Cleaner's up the road, but budget $20-30 per interview set for dry cleaning.

Second: good resume paper/stationary. This might sound obvious, but on a recent interview I was told that not everyone uses the "good" resume paper anymore. Do it! I spent $12 at Staples for 100 beautiful resumes. I would say that's worth it.

And going back to Thank You Notes... invest in some good stationary on which to write the TYN. Mine are pink with my name engraved on the front. It is an expression of me, and if you get a pink thank you note... you aren't soon to forget it. :)

And, finally, invest in a good pair of flip flops... especially if you are applying for a jobs in a "city" and have to walk around between interviews. High heels can do wonders for your calves... but they do a number on your feet! I speak from personal experience, you don't want to be limping into an interview... doesn't give them the "go get 'em" impression AT ALL!

So, take these tips and budget accordingly... this might mean skimping on some "fun" things, but if those "fun" things don't get you a job... you're just broke with a lot of crap.

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