Wednesday, September 2, 2009

The Move Home

Where do you see yourself in 5 years? We've all been asked that question... now think back to age 21:

SJ's response was NOT living at home after 3 years of working at an impoverished wage. But, alas, that is what I'm doing.

Saturday marked the first time I have moved INTO my parents' house. They moved in this house after I started college, and I think record for consecutive nights in said house might be 6 nights... maybe.

I spent a lot of last week packing up, throwing out and sorting through my apartment to prepare for the pending doom. Mind you, I was packing up with job offers on the horizon... which made it all bearable.

Then the big day came. Four friends came over and we loaded down all cars involved. Bed, dresser, table, chairs, clothes, dishes, among other things.

About 45 minutes into the drive, I called to check on the car with my dresser in it... only to be affirmed that my worst fear was true:

"Uh, SJ, we're going to be a little late. We had to stop."
"Well, the top drawer fell out of your dresser. I'm picking up your panties on the side of the interstate."

I just started laughing. My life IS a comedy of errors, but really? I arrived home shortly after that conversation... my mom joined in the laughter. As did the entire gang. Are the margaritas ready yet?

Well, the driver was being quite the jokester, and it was all a lie... but he had me going for sure! Not ten minutes later, however, we did realize that something WAS missing. My bed. It got left on the front lawn. That's right, on the curb in downtown BR... Go figure, it wasn't there when I sent a friend over to pick it up.

Panties: check! Bed: nope

Reflecting back on the move, though, if a bed is my only casualty... great! Let's be honest, I've lost worst things this summer (i.e. my job, my acceptance to graduate school, my sanity).

And now I'm home. Well, not quite. I'm at a coffee shop "in town." Because my parents don't live in a "real" town. They live in the country, where WiFi DNE. Awesome.

Let the job search continue!


  1. Sadness - sorry about the bed :(

  2. Bahaha! Your writing skills impress me SJ. I don't know what's better, hearing your story the first time over the phone or reading it now on the blog.
