Monday, August 17, 2009

The Dilemma

Employment. Not having it. That's the dilema I have found myself in, along with a few other dear friends. Collectively, we shall socially comment, share and divulge the ins and outs of unemployment as we see it.

Hi, my name is Sarah. I've been unemployed for 7 days.

My second longest stint of unemployment was almost 3 months. During that time, if I refined only one skill... it was the skill of appearing employed.

Why must one appear to be employed? It's simple, you can't go to after work socials if you haven't been to work. It is like living a lie. So, rather than "living the lie," I made myself look employed. That often involved leaving the coffee shop to go home and shower and change into "work clothes."

I pulled it off quite well... second tip to appearing employed: make business cards. Fake ones. I have calling cards with just name, phone number and e-mail. Quite effective AND if you tell people you are looking to find a "new" job, you just explain that you would rather not get emails to your "work" email account. This works WONDERS!

What are your tips for appearing employed? Please share!!

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